As I write the title for this post, Prime for Change, another concept pops into my head, Brace for Change. This is how we approach change. We dig in our heels, we tense up, and we resist. Change is hard, it’s no wonder our bodies react like we are in a life-threatening situation. Recently I listened to a popular podcast that gave terrific insights and suggestions for change. I walked away thinking, “yes, great ideas!” then went right back into my usual operating system, promptly forgetting about these words of wisdom as I nagged my husband. My operating system constantly needs updates, and I wish it were as simple as plugging my phone in at night. I could wake up in the morning, notice the change, grumble about it and move on.
But change isn’t that simple. I can’t just wake up to change or listen to a podcast and follow the advice as if I were baking a cake. But, I know one thing for sure, yoga helps make change stick. Like painting a piece of furniture. If you want the paint to stick, prime it first. Yoga acts as a primer too, but how?
Yoga is more than exercise, it is a system for growth. It is designed to calm, open and strengthen the body and mind. This process is explained best in the Yoga Sutras. (Sutra is Sanskrit for thread. In other words, threads of wisdom woven together.) I won’t go into all 196 sutras, but the first one explains the process in a few words, “Now the instruction of yoga begins.” This seemingly simple statement is chock full of meaning. Everything is about now. What are you feeling, what are you thinking, or what are you doing, now? We spend so much time in our heads (or our phones) that we miss out on what is happening now. Life is happening now. Yoga reminds us of this simple, yet powerful word. And, as we practice being present on our mats we start to get more present off our mats. After all, this is not Vegas, what happens on our mats doesn’t stay on our mats! As we calm our nervous systems and become less reactive on our mats, so too do we become less reactive off our mats. When we begin to feel our bodies on the mat, we begin to feel our bodies off our mats. Or maybe it’s about challenging ourselves, or getting more grounded. The possibilities are endless. Our mat becomes a playground for our life. Every moment on the mat prepares us for every moment off the mat. We are primed for change when we walk out of the studio and step into our lives. And it feels good, by the way. Have you ever heard of that yoga high?
But don’t take my word for it; come and try it yourself! We are offering one week for $45 so you can begin to experience the amazing effects of yoga and prime for change, now! See you on your mat!